HLB Despacho Luján y Asoc., S.C.

HLB Despacho Luján y Asoc., S.C.

Partners: Francisco E. Luján & Francisco J. Luján

The firm has been established for 56 years, various services are provided from starting a company to working together for its growth with trained personnel in different areas, such as accounting, tax, auditing and consulting. We joined the HLB International Network in 2012, helping new clients globally.

Our services that we offer are Audit and Assurance, Business Consulting (Business Consulting), Accounting and Administrative, and Tax Services.

Nogales, Sonora

Plutarco Elías Calles No. 700

Col. Centro, 84000

Tel:        01 631 312 5125  /  312 5425 / 312 1786

E-mail:       despacholujan@hlblujan.com


Qualifications and awards

HLB Network - ‘Most Loved Workplace’ Certificate 2023

HLB Network - Top 10 Network in Global Ranking 2023

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